This site is dedicated to proving the corruption of the CIA, with help from the U.S. Media, in the political assassinations of the 1960's.

Video Presentation

Gary Fannin discusses his book The Innocence of Oswald: 50+ Years of Lies, Deception & Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy & Officer J.D. Tippit. With the sleuthing skills of a twenty-first century Philip Marlowe, Mr. Fannin argues that neither the Dallas Police Department nor the FBI had sufficient evidence to convict Lee Harvey Oswald.

Fannin also uncovered information regarding the role of Roscoe White during this tragic saga. A Dallas Police officer, Fannin purports that White had CIA connections and was known in intelligence circles as “Mandarin.” Fannin claims that the CIAarranged for White to work at the Dallas Police Department in October 1963 and that his wife Geneva worked for Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club.

During his talk, Fannin will also present information that was revealed by Billie Sol Estes during his later years regarding various murders for hire. A businessman convicted of a fraud scandal, Estes was closely associated withseveral elected officials including Lyndon Johnson.

At the end of the presentation is a Q&A with both authors, Fannin & Brennan.

Click on the Red Link Above.

Gary Fannin is a JFK assassination researcher and author of ‘The Innocence of Oswald–50+ Years of Lies, Deception & Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy & Officer J.D. Tippit.’ Gary shows how the U.S. Government, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Secret Service, FBI, CIA, Mafia Connections and Texas Oil arranged, financed, implemented the assassination and cover-up of our nations

35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He is also the co-author with Tim Brennan of JFK-Marked For Death, ‘Who Stood To LoseHad JFK Lived.’

Click on Red Link Above.

This video is from Brent Holland’s Night Fright Show. This was before my first book was printed and the original title was ’50+ Years of Lies, Deception & Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy and Officer J.D. Tippit.’ I later added ‘The Innocence of Oswald’ as it truly depicts Oswald’s complete innocence in the events of 11/22/63. Click on Red link above.

FOX News’ Tucker Carlson opening statement 12/15/22 regarding President Biden releasing 13,252 documents on the JFK Assassination as mandated by the Records Review Board. He implies the CIA was responsible.  Click on the Red link above.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe opening statement 12/15/22 regarding President Biden releasing 13,252 documents on the JFK Assassination as mandated by the Records Review Board.  Click on the Red Link above.

George Webb Interview