Gallery 2
Lead Car in Motorcade

Lead Car Leaves Motorcade
Julia Ann Mercer Affidavit

Robbery & Homicide Bureau
Oswald Alleged Bus Transfer Ticket

Jack Ruby's Path to Basement Garage
Howard Brennan Description

Oswald Second Police Line Up
After the DPD’s key eyewitness, Howard Brennan, could not pick Oswald out of the original line up, their standards were relaxed to include him with a police janitor (far right) and two detectives.
Oswald Back Yard Photographs

Oswald Head/Body Comparison
Oswald Head Overlay

Oswald Body Height Comparison
Robert Hughes Film

Altgens 6 Photograph
This photograph was taken at the time of the first shot by Ike Altgens. It is known as Altgens 6. It depicts several key investigative elements. JFK is reacting to the throat shot from the front. On enlargement, you can see the bullet hole in the limousine front window. The Secret Service is looking over their shoulders to the sound of a shot. A man resembling Lee Oswald is in the front doorway of the TSBD. LBJ’s Secret Service follow up car has opened the door already and are protruding something from the rear driver side door/window as a signal to Johnson. LBJ has already ‘ducked down’ and is not visible in his car. Jack Ruby appears to be in Dealey Plaza as well as possible shooter(s) from the Dal-Tex Building. Other than these items, it’s just a nice photograph. I also own this original 35mm negative.
Nagell Affidavit 11/21/75

Richard Case Nagell Involvement
Homer Thornberry on Air Force 1

LBJ Swearing in Ceremony
The Wink Heard Round the World

Air Force One Diagram
Gray Navy Ambulance Getaway

Hubert Clark, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
This is Hubert Clark. Hubie was one of the original six Honor Guard members responsible for JFK’s casket the weekend of 11/22-25/1963. The Honor Guard ‘followed’ the gray Navy ambulance by helicopter from Andrews to Bethesda. When they landed, Lt. Bird ordered the Honor Guard to ride in the back of a pickup truck and be driven to the morgue dock awaiting the remains of the President after they dropped off Jackie and Robert Kennedy at the front of the hospital. As the ambulance (driven by Kellerman) started backing up to the morgue dock, it suddenly took off. Lt. Byrd ordered the Honor Guard back into the pickup truck to chase the ambulance containing the casket of JFK. Kellerman eluded the Honor Guard for approximately 15 minutes.
Officer of the Day Bethesda, Dennis David
This is Dennis David who was the Officer of the Day at Bethesda 11/22/63. Dennis admitted to researcher Phil Singer in October 2016 that the morgue staff had JFK’s body on the table at 6:35 p.m. It arrived in a silver shipping casket with his body in a gray rubber zippered body bag with his head still wrapped in sheets. This was not how the body left Parkland. JFK’s body was wrapped in sheets, with additional sheets around his head and placed inside an ornate, expensive bronze casket. When Secret Service Agent Kellerman was eluding the Honor Guard at Bethesda, this allowed for the shipping casket to be delivered.

Bethesda Autopsy Doctors
FBI Report of Sibert & O' Neil

Seymour Weitzman Affidavit
Klein's Sporting Goods Advertisement

Rifle Found in Texas School Book Depository
In this photo, an unidentified Dallas Deputy Sheriff (possibly Buddy Walthers) carrying a rifle out of the Texas School Book Depository Building. Notice the locations (on the side of the weapon) of the straps. They do not match up with the Oswald rifle or the order from Klein’s ad that Oswald allegedly ordered under his alias A. J. Hidell.
Lt. Day of I.D. Division with Rifle

Roscoe Anthony White
Mary Ann Moorman Photograph

These are Hourly Field Observations (Above) along JFK Jr.’s flight path. Notice at Martha’s Vineyard (MVY) it is listed as 9 miles. Tower personnel Adam Budd said the visibility was 8-10 miles and he could see the stars in behind the planes as they were approaching.
This is JFK Jr.’s Death Certificate (Below). The cause of death is multiple traumatic injuries. The autopsies of JFK Jr., Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and Lauren Bessette were all completed within 4 hours. A standard autopsy takes approximately 3-4 hours if you have the suspected cause of death. None of the bodies were tested for explosives residue, although the FBI and INTERPOL both determined the plane exploded in mid-air. More than likely a bomb was detonated in the tail section of the plane by either Barometric Pressure or Altitude.

Roscoe White's wife, Geneva with Jack Ruby
Roscoe’s wife, Geneva worked for Jack Ruby for a period in the fall of 1963. Just another collection of evidence found by Ricky White (Roscoe’s son) in 1982 and given to the Assassination Information Center and Gary Shaw.
This is the weather radar image (Below) at the time of JFK Jr.’s Plane crash. Notice the weather at Martha’s Vineyard was clear with 8-10 miles of visibility. The U.S. Media reported that JFK Jr. flew into difficult weather which caused him to become spatially disoriented and crash his plane. The media claimed he flew further south (Aqua arrow) into difficult weather. This was NOT the case as he flew the white path as notated by the airport locations he had obtained Hourly Field Observations for the weather conditions. If he had flown the Aqua path, there would be no Hourly Field Observations as there are no airports located over the ocean!!